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The Toronto Initiative for Diversity and Excellence (TIDE)

This grassroots service group consists of University of Toronto faculty members from across disciplines, who volunteer their time to support action on equity and inclusion at U of T through research-informed, peer-to-peer education and knowledge translation.

“…without TIDE we would not be making any shifts in getting our non-Black colleagues to hold the space and to make the space.

Professor Rhonda McEwen
President & Vice Chancellor
Victoria University at the University of Toronto

“It was great because we came out with actionable ideas. Our entire search was informed by the learnings from that TIDE workshop.”

Professor Greg Jamieson
Search Committee Chair
Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apply to Join TIDE

TIDE members pose for a photo at the TIDE 2024 retreat

TIDE Retreat 2024

TIDE presenters pose with Perimeter Faculty at a workshop for Perimeter Institute (Apr. 2024). (L to R): Bojana Stefanovic (TIDE), Robert Myers (Perimeter Institute), Bianca Dittrich (Perimeter Institute), Maydianne Andrade (TIDE), Tom Coyle (TIDE)

TIDE members (L to R) Bojana Stefanovic, Deanna D’Souza, Maydianne Andrade, Bryan Gaensler and Loretta Ho

Anthony Wensley leading a workshop for the Faculty of Dentistry (June 2023)